Tuesday, February 4, 2014

When Words are Nothing

When daylight fades and all that is left is deep and terrifying darkness what is loudest is always the sound of silence. We notice it more clearly than any other sound because we are surrounded by noise. It takes a weighted moment to stop the sound and that is when the sound loses all sense of purpose.

In times of terrible tragedies we are left with questions. We are left with the desire to comfort others. We are left babbling words like “I’m sorry...” or “Things will get better” but those words fall like stones to the ground. It is in the silence that we show our strength. Only Faith can stand wordless in the face of overwhelming terror. Only faith can be a silent pillar that is unmoved when the entire world around us crumbles. Only faith lashes us to the mast as the storm rages. Only hope can see that there is an end. Only love heals what is left standing afterward.

Thoughts on Relationship Score keeping

We all try to win. We all want to keep score. We try to win arguments, holidays, house work, career, everything. All while Joe Esposito sings "You're the best!"

Anytime you keep score there will be two things that happen for certain. There will be winner and a loser. And the game will end.

When you don't keep score the game goes on forever. It becomes poker with friends. It becomes learning to play better. It becomes father-son basketball too late on a school night. Without a score you just play with who you love and you get to play forever.