Friday, May 25, 2012

No Storm is Loud Enough

There is something comforting about Mass during a storm.

Something about the serene image of the Liturgy carrying on while the sky roars outside, shaking the stained windows. There is peace inside, and chaos outside.

We are in our sanctuary during dark times.  The world outside swirls and roars but in here we have peace. We have love.

What has brought us here in these stone walls? Love is all. Our God is love and it is love we have. Love sustains this Mass and the Mass sustains our love. The thunder roars outside and we may flinch but the walls do not, the Liturgy does not.

We sing louder than the storm, we praise louder than the wind can howl.
The storm will end but the Church, the Faith, the Love, the Liturgy is eternal.

Even in the darkest shadow there can be the smallest pin-prick of light. The days when we can only be so angry at the world to the point of just wanting to give up are overwhelming. It is because those that we hear when people start to fight are the only bellowing the loudest. Even in this time of frustration we can always find our peace. The love of God dwells in every living soul and there is a cause for hope.

 I try to remember that image of being in Mass during a thunderstorm. All of the pettiness and politics of the world are rumbling just outside the door but they cannot shake the Liturgy. They cannot shake me. This is our strength to carry on. This is our fighting spirit that we should never give up on the world no matter how dark it may seem. Light always finds its way through and that gives me hope. It gives me a reason to love no matter what. That is the light within; that is a self sustaining fire burning with the Love of God in every one of us.

The world has a funny way of making us forget the kind of goodness people are capable of. The swirling storm will try to extinguish the good and leave us focusing on the bad. Never let the bad overwhelm us. We come together. Even in the light of tragedy love carries us through. Let’s never let that fade and the grace of God will be with us always. 

Remember Luke, The Force will be with you, always.

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