Monday, September 10, 2012

Will I Stand?

The town of Alexandria, Louisiana boasts several characteristics that make it the most charming little bubble to live in since Mayberry but one thing it will forever stand out for to me is the Stage Play Cast of characters that make up the Diocesan Priests of Alexandria. My fellow altar servers will know exactly what I mean. What is great about such a fine cast of priests is that there are bound to be great stories with this one being one of the more inspiring:

The man took a bullet in the stomach as a group of cowards thought to take advantage of someone who they knew is in service to their community. He stood with a gun to the back of his neck and who knows what running through his mind and looked Death in the eye and told it to get out.

Released from the hospital that morning and not days later Fr. Scott was presiding over a beautiful wedding for one of the most on fire for God couples I have ever known. As Fr. Scott gave his homily his words reached a place in my heart that I dared not go for a very long time. It was that special place where doubt and fear reside, that place where the thought is: “Are you really there? Do you hear me?” Father’s words struck like hot iron to an anvil and sparks illuminated the dark room. “You have overcome so much in your relationship. Your have conquered every obstacle, until this week. Hurricanes fizzled, and bullets were blocked.” Applause met this simple comment which carried so much in it. I realized that this was not just the joy of a beautiful wedding of two holy souls but it was the joy of Life.

It is that Joy that exstinguishes doubt.

I saw Father’s joy at marrying these two and his joy of being alive as he said “I know we are all happy to be here but no one happier than me.” I saw the holiness and pure joy in the entire image of couple, priest, and Sacrament. All I could think of is what joy and faith in the Lord a soul must have to be able to joke about what happened just days later in the midst of such a happy occasion! It was such a powerful moment to see all of this and be just overwhelmed in such spirit.

It had me thinking about that small place of the heart where the doubt lives, where the cowardice of our minds sometimes wins over our judgment. Can I have such trust in my heart to stand with death at my neck? Can I kindle that joy and fire in the face of such darkness? I like to think so; at least I like to think it is possible for all of us. There is living proof in what I saw that day. I saw everything that could matter: Love, Joy, and Faith all contained in one image. It is an image i will carry with me so that when the storm is rising and there are enemies at my gate or even towering over me with my life in their hands, I’ll stand.

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